JUST RELEASED! (12/12/11)
Book V in the award winning Meridian Series Time Travel novels has just been released. The book brings this quintet of novels blending sci-fi and historical fiction to a satisfying conclusion, with the promise of more to come. Buy Golem 7 on Amazon.
Book V: Golem
is back with new research and his hand on the neck of the new terrorist behind
the Palma Event. Now the project team struggles to discover how and where the
Assassins have intervened to restore the chaos of Palma, and their search leads
them on one of the greatest naval sagas of modern history--the hunt for the German battleship Bismarck.
The title Golem 7
refers to an industrious grouping of Kelly Ramer’s search Golem
programs, which specialize in
uncovering alarming variations in history by comparing live data on the Internet to a massive RAM bank of known recorded events. As soon as a variation of contradiction is detected an alarm is triggered to warn team members involved in an elaborate time travel project at Lawrence Berkeley Labs. This time the alarm produces a strange event. By some means the German battleship Bismarck
was not sunk on its maiden voyage, and now the team must sleuth the
course of events in the
Bismarck campaign to find out how
and why, and try to put the ship back in its watery grave before its
fifteen inch guns wreak havoc on British convoys, and the time continuum
as well!
volume presents a new approach in the telling of the story. The same
crisp and informative dialogue is used
here to set the
parameters of the history and mission, but the main weapon used by the
project team this time is information. After identifying the key
Pushpoints involved, the author then launches into a convincing and
alternate history
retelling of the campaign, where all the little details in the history
are keenly elucidated and one
comes to feel that the
history itself rested on the most precarious stack of small,
inconsequential events.
These live
history scenes alternate
in groups with the more familiar chapters set in the Berkeley Lawrence
Lab facility, as the
author shows us results
on a live stage peopled by the real historical figures instead of having
his team members
just talk about it in
the lab. In those scenes, the team tries to understand how their
interventions have affected the
history we have just
witnessed on stage, and try again with another intervention until they
get the change they are hoping for.
As it turns out, the Bismarck
is one slippery fish to reel in! In fact, after reading this you will
come to
feel that it was sheer
luck that the British managed to sink the German ship at all, and wonder
if someone actually was operating in time to control these odd
events--a possibility darkly hinted at by the conclusion of the novel.
The details here, some
ferreted out of individual ship logs and eyewitness reports, are
astounding. If you like naval sagas, as the author clearly does, you
will love Golem 7. The treatment of the live history scenes, while unique,
reads much like a C.S. Forester novel, and that is a compliment, to be sure."
Meridian V: Golem 7 is now available on Amazon.com here
This was the novel that inspired the author to continue his interest in naval fiction and write the popular Kirov Series featured prominently in this blog.
This was the novel that inspired the author to continue his interest in naval fiction and write the popular Kirov Series featured prominently in this blog.