Monday, March 12, 2012

Kirov Sets Sail for 1941

The military fiction naval saga Kirov has just left port for the open waters of Amazon Kindle, released today, 3/12/12.

Kirov is a rollicking naval saga that might best be described as "The Final Countdown" meets "The Hunt For Red October." In the year 2021, the Russians rebuild the formidable battlecruiser Kirov and outfit her with their latest weapons and technology.  She is about to engage in live fire exercises in the Norwegian Sea when a freak accident aboard an escorting Oscar II sub displaces the ship in time to July 28, 1941. 

The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war—who’s side are they on? The course of all future history rides in the balance!

At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO.

With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America’s Atlantic Fleet to bar the  way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world.

Kirov is presently available on Amazon for Kindle, and as a quality trade paperback via CreateSpace.

eBook versions are priced at  at $4.99 (384 pages, about 140,000 words).