ANNOUNCING... Kirov III - Pacific Storm
The Writing Shop Press is pleased to announce that a Volume III in the popular Kirov series novels by John Schettler is now available as an eBook in the Amazon Kindle store, and a trade paperback at our CreateSpace store.

Since it first appeared in March of 2012, Kirov has been well received by a large audience of naval fiction enthusiasts with its unusual twist in placing the world’s most powerful battlecruiser in the cauldron of WWII. The second volume, entitled Kirov II - Cauldron Of Fire continued the saga as the ship found itself in mysterious circumstances that lead it into a gauntlet of intense naval combat in the Mediterranean.
Beginning exactly where Volume II ended, Kirov III opens with an extended scene where Admiral Tovey has a long and revealing conversation with Intelligence Guru Alan Turing at Bletchley Park.
Kirov has again moved in time, this time spotted in the Pacific on the eve of a major Japanese offensive operation...that never should have happened. Now acting Captain Anton Fedorov discovers the true cause of the great variation in time that has led to a devastated world in the future as the ship struggles to escape the dangerous waters of the Coral Sea in late 1942. She is found and pursued by a powerful Japanese task force led by the largest battleship ever designed, Yamato, and an Admiral determined to sink this mysterious enemy ship, or die trying. In this amazing conclusion to the popular Kirov trilogy, the most powerful ships ever conceived by two different eras clash in a titanic final battle that will decide the fate of nations and the world itself.
Kirov III - Pacific Storm
334 Pages with Prologue, 33 Chapters, Extended Epilogue and a sneak preview of the next volume in the continuing Kirov Saga entitled Men Of War.
eBook: $4.99 for Amazon Kindle, and any other cell phone or pad device with the free Amazon Kindle App.
Trade Paperback: $19.99 from CreateSpace
Produced and published by: The Writing Shop Press