The much anticipated continuation of the Kirov Saga has now moved to its 9th Volume with the release of Altered States on Thanksgiving Day. Returning to a world of their own making the officers and crew of the ship find their homeland fractured and divided in civil war, and the events of WWII slowly spinning off into a new and dangerous course. Now they must decide whether to intervene, and which side to choose. The Kriegsmarine has built and deployed powerful new ships to challenge the Royal Navy as never before, and the Fate of England rides in the balance in 1940. How will the mysterious presence and power of the battlecruiser Kirov tip the scales?
While continuing the long Kirov Saga the book also begins anew here as Volume I of the Altered States segment of the story, which will span several novels recounting the naval war in the West in this altered reality.
Kirov Saga: Altered States ~ Available now:
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