Saturday, November 5, 2022

New Beta Reader Program


Dear Readers,

The fifth volume of the Chronicles of Innisfail was just released on Nov 1, and even after four reads and edits by me, I'm willing to bet there's something in there that I missed. That's where the new Beta Reader Program comes in. My Senior editor can only handle one book at a time, and he's already quite busy. So we decided to try something new and look for 10 Beta Readers. It's like being a Beta tester for a new computer game.

A Beta Reader will be sent a random chapter from John's latest work in progress, which is a new stand-alone book involving Historical and Naval fiction--but with a twist.

When you get your chapter, just read it and note anything you think needs correction in Red Text. Send it back to John and he will will take it from there. (These will be MS Word files)

Help make the next project 100% clean and error free! (And get a sneak peek at the latest book too!)

My thanks to anyone who volunteers to help me nail down my ubiquitous typos. After 80 novels, my typing just seems to get worse and worse.
