AVAILABLE NOW - Kirov Series #66 ~ Clash of Empires
After ending the Kirov Series last year, author John Schettler has been sneaking out stand alone novels based on the ship and crew, and putting them out as "Special Editions."
The first was Encore, appropriately titled, and a book that became Kirov Series #65. This spring we will get two more stand alone novels, each one a specific mission that needs a warship to resolve. While Encore was a jaunt to the distant future on the Airship Baikal, the next two books will be centered on the ship and crew, and they will be a mission to the past in Clash of Empires, released April 15. Next month, we get another book, one complete mission for Kirov and crew entitled War in Limbo. So if you have had an urge to walk that deck again, these two books will be just what you need.
OTHER NEWS on Website and Email.
The hosting company for my web site and email service notified
me that they are getting out of the hosting business altogether. So there I
was, with a 400 page web site that suddenly needed to find a new host.
I’ve been wanting to simplify the web site for some time now, and so this was a good reason to start. Here’s what I have done.
1) The web site has moved
I’ve registered a new Domain, which is now
In the short run, I pointed the old writingshop.ws at a much
leaner web site at www.writingshop.press.
Anyone typing www.writingshop.ws will get forwarded to the new, much simpler web site. It will showcase my various book series, and announce new releases, but I will no longer create a page for each series book. I’ll probably expand this site in the months ahead, but for now it just has a home page and one subpage—ah, simplicity. And also because of this move…
2) My email has changed
I can now be reached at: John@writingshop.press
In the short term I think mail sent to John@writingshop.ws will still reach me, but it will soon phase out, so you should switch to the .press email address to contact me reliably.
3) About Clash of Empires
Clash of Empires marks a return to the Kirov Series for stand alone books that involve one mission or sortie, and these will be intensely focused on the ship and crew. In Clash of Empires, the book also takes us to the period of the Boxer Rebellion (1900) as Kirov goes back after a missing Chinese super destroyer, Anshan, pictured above. Clash of Empires will stand Kirov series Volume #66, (Encore being #65), and it will be followed next month with series Volume #67 War in Limbo. Again, this will be one sortie by Kirov, mostly focused on the ship and crew, and it will have some very dramatic events.
What can I say? Paraphrasing Michael Corleone: “Just when you think you’re out, I pull you back in!” After Kirov’s cameo appearance in Sands of Honor, I just needed to walk that deck again, and I hope you support these volumes, as they will probably decide whether or not there will be any further cruises on Kirov in the months and years ahead.
Thank you all for your interest and support for my books. I
hope I’m giving you something good in return.
Best Regards
John Schettler